Honorary Life Members
New Brunswick Hospice Palliative Care Association – L’Association de soins palliatifs du Nouveau-Brunswick
Who Can Become an Honorary Life Member
Individuals or organizations so designated by the Executive and ratified by a majority of the voting delegates present at a general meeting of the Association.
The criteria for life membership are as follows:
- Must be a member of the New Brunswick Hospice Palliative Care Association
- Have contributed significantly to the development of palliative care either through a profession or as a volunteer
- Active participation in the Association – past provincial Board member or involved at a regional level
The benefits of life membership are as follows:
- Remain a member of the Association for life without the obligation to pay annual membership fees
- Receive all the benefits of membership
The Board calls for nominations annually and the Board reviews and determines if the nominee meets the criteria. If so, the nominee is honoured at the annual meeting.